Incidence of Neonatal Septicemia in Babies Admitted in Pediatric Ward of KIU-Teaching Hospital, Ishaka Uganda.


Kahuma, Fredrick

This research was done to determine factors that influence the occurrence of neonatal
septicemia among babies admitted in Kampala international university teaching hospital.
This study was guided by the following objectives: to assess the maternal related factors
associated with occurrence of neonatal septicemia among babies admitted in Pediatric ward
of Kampala international university teaching hospital; to determine neonatal related factors
associated with occurrence of neonatal septicemia among babies admitted in Pediatric ward
of Kampala international university teaching hospital and to determine the social-economic
factors associated with occurrence of neonatal septicemia among babies admitted in
Pediatric ward of Kampala international university teaching hospital. A cross sectional
study design was used in this study; A sample of 134 respondents were studied which
included neonates/caretakers and health workers; data was collected with the use of
observation, interview guide and questionnaires; data analysis and interpretation were
done using Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) to generate descriptive statistics
and Chi-square p-values that were used to draw conclusion of the study. The results from
this research showed that; – the maternal factors that influenced the occurrence of neonatal
septicemia among babies admitted in pediatric ward of Kampala international university
teaching hospital were inadequate Antenatal Care (ANC) attendance, prolonged rupture of
membrane, bathing neonates with herbal medicines and place of delivery whereby a
significant number of mothers delivered from home. On the neonatal factors the researcher
found out that birth weight had a significant influence on the occurrence of neonatal
septicemia among babies admitted in pediatric ward of Kampala international university
teaching hospital. Finally, the study identified the socio-economic factors responsible for
the occurrence of neonatal septicemia among babies admitted in pediatric ward of Kampala
international university teaching hospital as washing hands before handling the neonates,
low level of monthly household income and low level of education among caretakers. Based
on the findings of this study, the researcher recommends that the Government through the
DHOs offices should embark on health education by educating the pregnant women on the
dangers of giving birth from their homes and also being helped by unqualified midwives.
Also, the government through district sensitization programs should encourage pregnant
women to seek antenatal care at the health facilities where they can be health educated,
comprehensively screened and treated of infections to prevent spread of infections to
Keywords: Pediatric, Septicemia, Pregnant Women, Health Education, Antenatal care.





Kahuma, Fredrick (2023). Incidence of Neonatal Septicemia in Babies Admitted in Pediatric Ward of KIU-Teaching Hospital, Ishaka, Uganda. IDOSR Journal of Applied Sciences 8(2) 74-86.